


“Hope for Sinners”

from Curt Dodd

There is hope for forgiveness and eternal life for all sinful men through believing in Jesus, who being very God of very God, and very man of very man, shed His blood on the cross and then rose from the dead.

Repenting of your sin and placing your faith in Christ produces a changed life, complete forgiveness and guarantees one is heaven bound, and while on the earth, a witness to the love of God!

That’s the good news of the gospel!

82 words

Curt Dodd is the senior pastor of Westside Church, a Southern Baptist congregation in west Omaha. I met Curt about 15 years ago through a mutual friend. His bio on the church website says Curt has been in ministry for 50 years! During that time he has also authored four books. 

Notice that it didn’t take Curt 100 words to summarize the gospel. He knows exactly how he wants to communicate the gospel—in two sentences if you don’t count the final declaration. Each of those two sentences could stand alone as an expression of the gospel.

There’s a reference to the Nicene Creed when Curt says Jesus is “very God of very God.” I appreciate that nod to historic Christianity. And I like the four benefits of repentance and faith: changed life, forgiveness, guarantee of heaven, and being a witness to God’s love.

I wonder how many thousands of people have received salvation through Curt’s preaching of the gospel these last 50 years!

Next post: Friday, October 6, “In Christ” from Brad Kirk


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