

“May Your Kingdom Come”
from Russ Tompkins

In the gospel of Luke chapter 10 Jesus instructs his disciples to go into several villages and proclaim the gospel message. He tells them to say that the kingdom of God is near.

This should be our same message today. We live in a sinful world, but a better kingdom is coming – the kingdom of God. As with any kingdom there is a king. God is a benevolent king who only wants the best for those who chose to live in his kingdom.

We pray for this kingdom every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer – Lord, may your kingdom come.

100 words

My friend Russ Tompkins is a retired United Methodist pastor. I first met Russ 40 years ago when he was a high school speech teacher. Today he continues to teach speech classes in Omaha-area colleges.

My favorite phrase in Russ’s OMG is “there is a king.” The word gospel was used in the Roman Empire to announce the “good news” of the reign of a new Caesar. But Jesus’s followers were announcing the gospel—the good news—of a different king. A different kind of king. A king whose reign will never end.

God’s kingdom is here now, but it’s not yet fully here. Still, when we seek first that kingdom and earnestly pray for it to come, we find ourselves living more fully under Jesus’s gracious rule. As Russ says, “A better kingdom is coming.”

Next post: Friday, October 20, “God Will Set Everything Right” from Evan Offutt Boesiger


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