

"Created for Relationship”
from Andrew Moyer

What if you were created for relationship? Not just with other people but in everything?

  • That our relationship with all of creation was intentional. 
  • That you have an opportunity to engage in a truly unique way only designed for you.

That weight of having a one-in-a-hundred-billion purpose might feel incomprehensible. Getting that insurmountable role right relies solely on the closeness of one relationship, you and the creator.

This is why Jesus has paid it all for you. He died in all humility, God, for the debt of every life—for every second not lived in concert with created purpose. That you might lean into your one-in-infinity unique purpose.

108 words

When I first met Andrew, we were pastors driving an hour together to a district meeting and an hour back. During our conversations, Andrew’s God-given passion and leadership came through strongly. Andrew is not currently serving a church, but he may return to that calling at some point. I hope he does.

Andrew’s OMG is a direct appeal to respond to the gospel. It would easily and effectively plug into an evangelistic sermon.

Everyone wonders, What is my purpose in life? What am I made for? If I do not recognize my moral debt to God and let Jesus’s death pay for my sins, I will not come to know the “truly unique way only designed for” me. But by restoring my relationship with God through Jesus I can “live in concert with [my] created purpose.”

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Next post: Friday, November 3, “Now I’m Free” from Jeff Thurman





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