

“Rescued, Redeemed, Reconciled, Renewed, Restored”
from Michael Park

Gospel is the undeniable story and true message about how we have been rescued, redeemed, reconciled, renewed and restored from the darkness by Jesus Christ. The very true meaning of the gospel is good news about a real life-changing event that has already happened in the history of the humanity.

The gospel is neither good advice nor religion. It is good news about the work of Christ on our behalf and also good news about the God’s redeeming and saving grace that has made the world upside down and changed the entire human history.

94 words

Michael Park is pastor of the United Methodist Church in Chanute, Kansas. Michael was in a group of pastors I coached a few years ago, and that’s how we got acquainted. It soon became clear to me that Michael is an effective young leader with a bright future.

Michael opens his OMG by saying, “Gospel is the undeniable story….” Later he says it “already happened.” I appreciate that Michael grounds the gospel in history.

We needed to be “rescued, redeemed, reconciled, renewed and restored.” This is what Jesus came to do. Why? Because left to ourselves we are in darkness. Michael doesn’t explain what this darkness is, but based on his five “r”s, we can assume that it means being held captive, enslaved, estranged, fallen, and sinful.

We must not turn the gospel into “good advice” or “religion.” It’s not a self-help lesson or tips on being a better person. It’s God turning the world upside down through the “work of Christ.” History is forever changed, and so is our future.

Next post: Friday, October 27, “Saved, Renewed, Empowered” from Dr. David A. deSilva







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