

“Still a Treasure”
from Dan Todd

Created in God’s image.
But sinful and rebellious.
We are broken but still a treasure.
God's love for us never stops Him from reaching out to us with His overwhelming goodness.
And that goodness is directly pointed at you and me. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is the reason we can know this to be true.
That goodness comes to us in different forms, two of which are mercy and forgiveness.
God longs to show us His mercy and forgive our sins.
He longs to remove the bondage of past selfishness.
His mercy is always available to humble hearts.

100 words

I’ve known Dan all his life, as he is my youngest brother. One experience we share is that we both met our wives while attending Asbury Seminary. Dan is currently the pastor of Hillside Wesleyan Church in Olean, New York, as well as a hospice chaplain. One of the great honors of my life was getting to offer a prayer for Dan and join in laying hands on him for his ordination in the Wesleyan Church.

Dan’s OMG oozes with good news. Each line could be the main idea for a gospel sermon. My favorite sentence is “We are broken but still a treasure.” What a beautiful way to convey God’s love, that we are his treasure!

But it’s hard for the gospel to sound like good news if we don’t realize we stand in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness. That’s why it takes a humble heart to hear and receive the gospel.

Next post: October 3, “Hope for Sinners” from Curt Dodd


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