


“All About Grace”
from Juan Carlos Veloso

The gospel is good news about repentance, forgiveness, redemption and eternal joy and peace. The gospel is also about being lost, and then being found, in other words, it is about grace.

Why grace? Because grace isn’t earned by any human; regardless of how wonderful a person could be. Grace is a gift. It is something that it was born in God’s heart, even before the creation of any creature, here in our world, or in the entire universe.

The only source of grace is love. The essence of God is love. We have been found because GOD IS LOVE.

100 words

My friend Juan Carlos Veloso is pastor of two Omaha United Methodist congregations meeting in the same building, Grace United Methodist and Iglesia Comunitaria, the latter being a church he has planted.

The only way the lost are found is by grace. Not many OMGs so far have asked a question, but I’m glad Juan Carlos asked, “Why grace?” It’s because we cannot save ourselves. We need the gift of grace. And any understanding of grace that does not begin with God’s love would be sorely inadequate.

John Newton’s famous hymn “Amazing Grace” has been adopted by our culture, even by many who don’t share his faith. I pray that everyone would come to know this God of grace, made known to us in Jesus.

Next post: Friday, October 13, “I’m God’s Child” from Bob Wynn



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