

“God Will Set Everything Right”
from Evan Offutt Boesiger

The Gospel is the good news that one day God will set everything right; we participate in that now. God will wipe away every tear, disease, and brokenness. Even death itself will die.

God desires to bring this wholeness and restoration into individual lives now, until it comes in its fullness to the whole world- "a new earth", the Bible says.

This is available to all who confess their sins and believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. We respond to God’s love and grace and choose to follow God and live in relationship with God, now and forevermore.

98 words

Evan is one of my newer friends. In 2022 I got to conduct her wedding to my long-time friend Todd Boesiger. She is a licensed clergy in the Church of the Nazarene and expects to be ordained next year. Currently, she freelances at kid and teen camps, women’s retreats, and pulpit supply. Evan and Todd have recently relocated to Houston, Texas.

There is no greater hope than Evan’s statement, “God will set everything right.” When we see warring nations and political fighting, human trafficking and deadly diseases, our hearts ache for this hope.

You may have noticed her references to the present and future: “one day,” “now”; “now, until”; “now and forevermore.” The gospel is good news today and forever. Today we can live as God’s new creation, “until it comes in its fullness.”

How do “we participate in that now”? Neither Jesus nor the New Testament writers taught that all will be saved regardless of their faith. Instead, we are told that by confessing our sins and believing in Jesus we open ourselves to this new reality: now partially, then fully.

Next post: Tuesday, October 24, “Rescued, Redeemed, Reconciled, Renewed, Restored” from Michael Park





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