

"The Good News of the Kingdom"
from Jaime Farias

The Kingdom of God is the Gospel message.

Jesus Christ announced the Kingdom of God was near and only through repentance could anyone enter into God’s dominion. Jesus started his ministry in Galilee preaching God’s kingdom as fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.

Jesus went teaching in the Jewish synagogues and throughout villages and towns. He proclaimed God’s kingdom through miracles of healing and deliverance. His spiritual authority was evidenced to establish God’s Kingdom.

He is the true light coming to destroy the spiritual darkness of evil powers and rulers.

88 words

Jaime Farias began his ministry in the Methodist Church of Mexico. Moving to the United States he served in the United Methodist Church. He is now a pastor of Living Faith Global Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska. Jaime and I are part of a small group of pastors that get together monthly and pray for revival and a great awakening.

While many OMGs focus on reconciliation, restoration, and atonement, this one takes us back to Jesus’s announcement in Mark 1:15, “ ‘The time has come,’ he said, ‘The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!’” This good news announces the arrival of the reign of the Messiah and his defeat of “evil powers and rulers.”

We tend to think of healing as a ministry option, but as Jaime reminds us, “miracles of healing and deliverance” were a pivotal part of Jesus’s kingdom proclamation. May it be so today! I just finished reading a new book, Follow the Healer by Stephen Seamands. I recommend it as a well-rounded, biblical understanding of Christian healing ministry.

Next post: Friday, September 29, "Still a Treasure" from Dan Todd


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