

"A Savior Sent"
from David Fowler

Darkness, Light, then night again
For sin brought darkness in.
And all of us joined in the game
And wandered into sin.

A savior sent, a humble birth
A life with wonders many
Who is this man? The question hangs
He calls the 12 plus any

Jerusalem, they welcomed him
But soon had changed their mind
And Pilate asked say, “what is truth”
And passed him on to die

He bore a cross, and climbed the hill
They nailed him, feet and hands
He gave his spirit up to God
As darkness filled the land.

Two nights three days within the tomb
Then glorious now he’s risen
And all who look to him will find
Salvation has been given.

118 words

David is the pastor at the United Methodist Church in Carthage, Missouri and is married to Tuesday's contributor, Alice Fowler. Dave and I got acquainted during college when I was a part-time intern at his home church in Milford, Nebraska. David is not only a preacher/pastor but also a poet/musician. I wouldn't be surprised if he picks up his guitar someday and comes up with a tune to accompany these lyrics.

I appreciate how visual David's depiction of the gospel is. Each line plants an image in the reader's mind, walking us through the Bible's gospel narrative.

I notice the word "all" in the first and last stanzas, like matching bookends. "And all of us joined in the game and wandered into sin" is paired with "And all who look to him will find salvation has been given." I love how the gospel can be poetically expressed.

Next post: "The Good News of the Kingdom" from Jaime Farias


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