

"Who You Are"
from Bob Jordan

Voices around us and inside us try to tell us who we are. Some are encouraging, many are toxic. There is a Voice, however, which spoke before you were born, even before the foundations of the world, and proclaimed your eternal identity to be Beloved. This identity is not contingent on your abilities or efforts; it is instead available to you through a friendship with Jesus. God so loved you that he sent his Son to bring life to you through Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection to new life. Through Jesus you are the Beloved of God.

100 words

Bob and I became friends when I joined a pastors prayer group he was in at Omaha. Bob is now the senior pastor at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois. I have admired his long-term, strategic approach to maturing disciples under his care.

Bob's is the first OMG I've published in which the writer appeals directly to the reader. I was hoping there would be some. The first sentence talks about "us." After that the words "you" and "your" are collectively found seven times. Bob is preaching to us! And it's a message we all need to be ready to share.

Identity is a buzzword these days. So many people want to be the creator of their identity. But who is up to such a task? The best identity is one that is received, not achieved. It is given to you by Jesus. I can accept this kind of predesination. You are predestined to be loved by God!

Next up: Friday, September 15 from Alex Ehly, "Trust, Confess, Receive"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve, thanks for the opportunity to participate. Not only was it a blast to work on the OMG, I found myself being reminded of my own gospel identity as God's beloved. Grateful for you! Bob