

“What Is the Gospel?”
from N.T. Wright

[Jesus] is now Lord of the world, and he summons all people everywhere to live under his Lordship, which means turning away from idols, i.e., repenting from sin and the idolatry which causes it, and trusting him. 

Not so that we can escape this world and go somewhere else called heaven, but so, as he establishes his sovereign rule on earth as in heaven, we can be already, in the present, gospel people—people who are, in our own lives, living, breathing advance examples of the new creation which he is going to bring about.

95 words

N.T. Wright is my favorite Bible scholar and theologian. He’s an Anglican and served for a while as Bishop of Durham, but most of his life has been spent teaching and writing over 70 books. He has written devotional commentaries on the entire New Testament in the For Everyone series. You will also find his many videos on YouTube. I often listen to the podcast Ask N.T. Wright Anything.

Today’s OMG is a quote from Wright’s five-and-a-half-minute video, “What Is the Gospel?” I urge you to watch the entirety, because my quote leaves out some important context, such as how Jesus sees the good news through the lens of Isaiah 40-55.

Notice that Wright does not talk about atonement. Though that’s important, he focuses on the good news that through Jesus, God has begun to reign.

I invite you to write a comment below. 

Next post: Tuesday, November 28, "Many Religions, One Gospel" from E. Stanley Jones


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