

“Tell the Story of Jesus”
from Dr. Scot McKnight

The earliest Christian gospel was to tell the story of Jesus. It was to tell the story that Jesus lived, that he died at the hands of sinners unjustly, that God overturned his death and raised him from the dead, that he ascended, and that he is coming back to rule.

So, the gospel was first and foremost to tell the story of Jesus. It wasn’t to tell the story of how to get saved, although this story saves people. It was instead to tell the story about Jesus. “Jesus is the King”—"Jesus is the Lord”—is the central gospel affirmation of the New Testament.

106 words

Scot McKnight is an ordained Anglican and professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary (American Baptist) in Lisle, IL. Among his more than 50 books is The King Jesus Gospel. I’m not personally acquainted with McKnight, but I appreciate his work.

This OMG is a quote from a Seven Minute Seminary video from Seedbed, where McKnight traces his clarified understanding of the gospel, based on 1 Corinthians 15 and the sermons in Acts. You can watch the entire video here

He claims that the gospel is bigger than an offer of personal salvation. It’s the announcement of who Jesus is, of what he has done and will do. I believe McKnight gives us an important word for our time.

Next post: Friday, November 24, “What Is the Gospel?” from N.T. Wright








1 comment:

P.R.JUST said...

I know Scot McKnight personally. He actually was my oldest son's basketball coach on the Junior High traveling team when we were in the Chicagoland area. He is a great NT scholar and an even greater follower of Jesus.