

“Good to Bad to Good!”
from Rick Just

The Christian faith? Good News, Bad News, Good News.

The good news? Genesis 1 reveals that in the beginning God created all things good. All of creation, including relationship with God and each other, was very good.

The bad news? Genesis 3 reveals that sin led to pain and heartache, even death. Relationship with God and each other was broken with no way on our own for it to be restored.

The good news? God provided a way for our relationship with him and each other to be restored (John 3:16). Because of faith in Jesus, we are given new life, for now and eternity. All is restored! Sounds like good news to me!

114 words

I got to know Rick Just when we were United Methodist pastors in the Great Plains Conference. Today he is pastor of Asbury Church, a Global Methodist congregation in Wichita, Kansas. I know Rick loves God, his family, Jesus, and the church. He’s also an avid bow hunter.

Rick’s OMG presents a memorable three-point outline. The first good news proclaims a good God who created us to give and receive love. The bad news comes from a rebellious humanity who “exchanged the truth about God for a lie” (Romans 1:25).

The final point presents good news of a restoration in that broken relationship made possible by Jesus and received by those who put their faith in him. This is the subject of the entire Bible from Genesis 3:15 on, where God pronounces the serpent’s future, that the offspring of woman “will crush your head.”

Next post: Friday, November 19, “Only Jesus Alone” from Isaac Chua

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