

“Jesus Is Lord of All”

from Corey Jenkins

Christ Jesus: From everlasting to everlasting, He is the Word of God Who came to live among us, being born of the Virgin Mary.  

He showed us how to live and love, then died according to the Scriptures for our salvation.  He arose again, taught us even more about love, then ascended to God the Father.  

Because of His willing sacrifice, God gave Him the name to which every knee will one day bow.  He is Lord of all, to the glory of God the Father, and will come again to gather His faithful people!

95 words

Corey and I have been acquainted for at least 20 years as United Methodist pastors. Today he serves the Sidney Global Methodist Church in Nebraska. His favorite pastime is riding his motorcycle on the lonely highways of the Nebraska panhandle.

Corey’s OMG puts Jesus’s title first. Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. Some notable Bible versions are translating the word simply as king: King Jesus. Corey points to Jesus’s deity, referencing Psalm 90:2 and John 1:1, “…from everlasting to everlasting you are God” and “the Word was God” (NIV).

Then Corey outlines the story of the four gospels from Jesus’s miraculous conception to his ascension. This is the heart of the gospel message. Then he turns our attention to the future when “…every knee will one day bow” to Jesus, who “will come again to gather His faithful people.” Jesus has prepared a glorious eternity for us, because “He is Lord of all.” That’s good news!

Next post: Tuesday, November 14, “Good to Bad to Good” from Rick Just




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GODS voice to his sinners here on this earth.!!!