

Reign of the True King
from Tim Mackie and the Bible Project video “Euangelion/Gospel”

When he went around announcing the euangelion of God’s kingdom, Jesus claimed that God was restoring his reign over his people Israel and over all nations. And he was the one bringing it all about. 


As Jesus was being executed by his enemies . . . . He displayed true royal authority by forgiving his tormentors. Jesus was the one in charge that day, giving his life for the sins of others.

Then a few days later everything changed. Jesus rose from the dead as the true king whose love is stronger than death. He appeared to hundreds of his followers and told them to spread the euangelion that all authority on heaven and earth now belongs to him. 

119 words

Happy New Year!

I’ve learned a lot from the videos at—from Tim Mackie and his team. The videos are simple, concise, well-researched, and insightful. Euangelion is the Greek word for gospel or good news. Watching the entire four-minute video about it would be well worth your time.

While Jesus does forgive his tormentors, the emphasis in this OMG is not on atonement. It’s about a new kingdom. God’s reign is being restored through Jesus. He is “the true king,” and “all authority in heaven and earth now belongs to him.”

Easter Sunday 2015 my message proclaimed this big announcement: “Jesus now reigns as this world’s rightful king, and he’s bringing it to life through power of love.” The congregation’s enthusiastic reception to this message surprised me. This was good news to their ears.

I believe the announcement of the reign of Jesus Christ, the King of kings, is central to the gospel. Atonement and forgiveness fit inside it, rather than the other way around.

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Next post: Friday, January 5, 2024, “The Light Gives Life” from Marea Campagna



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