

Failed Sinners Following Jesus
from J.D. Walt

This is the gospel of Jesus Christ: pardon from the penalty of sin, freedom from the power of sin, deliverance from the grip of death, and awakening to the supernatural empowerment of the Holy Spirit to live powerfully for the good of others and the glory of God.

Jesus asks only that we acknowledge our broken selves as failed sinners, trust him as our Savior, and follow him as our Lord.

Following Jesus does not mean an easy life; however, it does lead to a life of power and purpose, joy in the face of suffering, and profound, even world-changing, love for God and people.

105 words

J.D. Walt calls himself the “sower-in-chief” at Seedbed, which he founded in 2012 as the publishing arm of Asbury Theological Seminary. As an author, Walt’s most popular book is The Awakened Life, “an invitation to the people of God to band together and sow for a great awakening.” This OMG is taken from his January 7, 2024 devotional, forwarded to me by my friend Dave Uhrich. I met J.D. Walt briefly at a New Room Conference.

There’s so much to appreciate in Walt’s OMG. In three sentences, I count at least a dozen power-packed phrases, each one written with careful precision.

The title I’ve given to it merges two quotes within the OMG but is sorely inadequate. The good news is that we become more than “failed sinners” when we follow Jesus. We are pardoned, freed, delivered, awakened and empowered.

The gospel says I can “live powerfully for the good of others and the glory of God” out of a “profound, even world-changing, love for God and people.” Sign me up!

Your comments are always welcome.

Next post: January 16, 2024 “God Is So Much More Than Your Problem Solver” from Eugene Peterson


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