

Receive Abundant Life
from Wes Johnson

It is revealed in the Bible that God wants each person to live an abundant, purposeful life with God.  God’s design for your life is to walk with you, through the Holy Spirit, to guide and strengthen you to live humbly, yet confidently for God’s purposes. 

You receive this full abundant life by first, trusting Jesus’ death on the cross has saved you from a self-centered life which darkens your vision to God’s ways.

Secondly, by trusting Jesus’ redemption will keep transforming you into the person God created you to be until your desires are the same as God’s desires.

100 words

Wes and I were introduced to each other last month by a mutual friend. He is pastor of Living Hope Family Church of Sebeka, Minnesota. He is also founder of Grace3 Ministries, “proclaiming holiness of heart and life.”

You can tell Wes has put a great deal of reflection into this OMG. He states the goal of the Christian life in a few ways:

  • “to live an abundant, purposeful life with God,”
  • “to live humbly, yet confidently for God’s purposes,”
  • to be transformed “until your desires are the same as God’s desires.”

I appreciate the bookends in this OMG, “God wants” in the first sentence and “God’s desires” in the last. The gospel starts and ends with God.

He outlines two steps to receive this “full abundant life” (John 10:10). First, we experience justification by “trusting in Jesus’ death.” I like how Wes describes our sin and idolatry. He calls it “a self-centered life which darkens your vision to God’s ways.”

Second, “trusting Jesus’ redemption will keep transforming you.” He avoids theological jargon and makes the goal of sanctification accessible.

I love hearing from you! Please add a comment.

Next post: Friday, December 22 “Mercy from Generation to Generation” from Mary, the mother of Jesus



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These key words resonate with me: abundant, purposeful, humbly, confidently, transforming.