

The End of Separation 
from Carlos Mestayer

Separation is an ugly word. Moving away from home is hard when the house is a safe, loving place. Ending a friendship or losing a loved one is painful. Before Jesus left his disciples, he said, “I have to leave because I need to prepare a place for you in heaven; I want you all to be where I am” (John 17:24, my paraphrase).

Jesus offered his life on the cross, paying the debt, fixing the mess for the acts that led to our separation. By his death and resurrection, Christ built the one bridge that could connect us to God. Salvation is the end of separation.

God finds separation disgusting; he prefers enjoying time with his beloved ones. I must admit this place he is preparing for me sounds great, a place where he and I will never have to say goodbye.

143 words

Carlos Mestayer is my friend from Costa Rica. We met ten years ago when I was on a mission trip; Carlos was our host and spiritual guide. Since then, he has spent time in both Omaha NE and San Jose, CR. He is now planning to relocate to California to serve on the pastoral staff with a Lutheran Church.

Carlos’s OMG sets the stage with examples of our human losses. Jesus expressed his and the Father’s desire to be with us, separated no more. He laid down his life to reconcile us forever.

I’m a bit shocked by the line, “God finds separation disgusting.” The word “disgusting” makes me think of the smell of rotting food. Food that was meant to be healthful and tasty has become harmful and repugnant—a vivid metaphor of a sin-severed relationship from God.

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